新兴能源产业领航者 | /EN



iNews 2022-10-13 10:29:00








推动科研人员“请进来,走出去”,能源院引进以英国皇家科学院院士Andrew Cooper(安德鲁·库珀)为代表的十余名高端海外人才,促进国内外著名学者来院交流学习,同时分多批派遣科研人员前往美国、德国、英国、希腊、以色列、日本等国考察学习。

2016年,能源院联合主办了全球新能源500强大会;2017年,承办国家科技部国际合作司指导的中美创新创业大赛新能源项目决赛;2018年,承办“2018武汉中欧新能源技术洽谈会”与“第六届生物质能源国际会议(ICBE 2018)”。







INEW ✕ Marcos Millan英国帝国理工学院教授


INEWWhat was your first impression of Calla Lily Building?


MarcosI visited the Calla Lily Energy Flower in 2015 and again in 2018. My first impression of the building was that it was basically empty and had a lot of potential. On my second visit, I found that the place had become a lively workspace with lots of activities, a busy lecture hall and a well-equipped laboratory. As we begin our collaboration, I have great expectations for what the collaboration between the Wuhan New Energy Institute, HUST and Imperial College will achieve.


INEWSpecific to the research you are engaged in, what kind of worldwide technological change is taking place in your field related to new energy? What significance will it bring to human energy?


MarcosThis is an interesting time for energy research, as humanity faces the challenges of curbing greenhouse gas emissions, providing society with affordable energy and everyday products, and disposing of waste from human activities without affecting the environment. We are developing ways to convert plastic waste into fuels and high-value products, which will create incentives for chemical recycling of pollutants and help reduce fuel and petrochemical consumption.


INEWWhat suggestions do you have for the development of China's new energy industry? What kind of cooperation opportunities (including R&D, industry, talent, etc.) do you pay more attention to?


MarcosThe pace of China's new energy technology development is impressive. It has been more than 10 years since my first visit to China, and the growth of high-quality facilities and scientific results is evident in Chinese universities and research centers. The strength of China's energy and chemical industries, coupled with the accelerating pace of new research entering China on a large scale, makes the Wuhan New Energy Research Institute a very good choice for a new research and development institution. We have established a research laboratory in the field of plastic waste conversion at the Wuhan Institute of New Energy, which involves a close collaboration between teams from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London and the State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. We hope that the two sides will focus their research on green technologies for the elimination of waste, and will be able to combine new technologies for environmental protection with industrial-scale utilization. The Imperial College team also has several members from Wuhan, including PhD students, post-docs and visiting scholars. Building on these strong links, we will be able to recruit more new talent, especially young researchers, and train them through collaborative exchange programmes. As well as conducting new research and talent training, we will also be looking for relevant industries in China and Europe that are interested in collaborating and adopting these development technologies.


INEW ✕ Oliver Riedel德国博泛技术公司CEO


INEWSpecific to the research you are engaged in, what kind of worldwide technological change is taking place in your field related to new energy? What significance will it bring to human energy?


OliverOur technology is able to convert problematic waste like used oil or plastic waste back into products like new plastic, fuel or hydrogen. The modular approach helps even small businesses, cities or entities to convert a problem into prosperity and return - in a decentralized and profitable way.


INEWWhat suggestions do you have for the development of China's new energyindustry? What kind of cooperation opportunities (including R&D, industry, talent, etc.) do you pay more attention to?


OliverIn our opinion the way China is encountering the energy challenge is exemplary for the world. What we see as key factors of the upcoming energy challenge are topics like decentralization of energy, smar t grid, waste, green energy and carbohydrates to hydrogen, decentralized atomic energy and hydrogen mobility and energy grids. I think we can work together in these areas.


INEWHow is your feeling about your cooperation、visit、study、working experience with INEW/in the Energy Flower?

翻译您如何评价与 INEW 的合作?

OliverINEW appears to us always as a highly motivated, professional and flexible par tner. We appreciated the hospitality and quick decisions. Our showroom in the entry area of the building helped us to present and explain our technology to key players from government and business leaders.

翻译INEW是一个积极主动、专业灵活的合作伙伴,我们欣赏 INEW的服务意识。我对马蹄莲大楼以及位于大楼入口处的展区印象深刻,它能有效向政府和企业的主要参与者及决策者展示并解释我们的技术。

INEW ✕ Shumaila Razzaque中英纳米研究中心博士后


INEWWhat is your feeling about your cooperation、visit、study、working experience with INEW/in the Energy Flower?


ShumailaI started out as a research fellow in INEW in 2018. INEW is one of the modern green energy conservation centers located in Wuhan. Alongside a multi-directional research work is ongoing at INEW. Thanks to the modern design, well equipped facilities and spacious environment make it an ideal work place. The Sino-UK research center is carrying out scientific work about the energy conservation, green energy production, and biotechnology. Being a part of INEW, I gained research expertise in different research areas, earned technical laboratory skills and associated skills that are very helpful for my future career. My teammates and colleagues are impressively cooperative and friendly. My colleagues are very friendly, pleasant and flexible working environment is a beautiful experience of my career.


INEWSpecific to the research you are engaged in, what kind of worldwide technological change is taking place in your field related to new energy? What significance will it bring to human energy?


ShumailaWell, an immediate challenge faced by whole World is the production of sustainable and clean energy. In this perspective, we actively engaged ourselves in the synthesis of porous materials that could effectively store and sequester carbon dioxide. The physio-adsorption on a solid adsorbent is an effective technique to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) and its conversion to small value- added chemicals.The CCS technology is a viable mitigation option for reducing GHG emissions in fossil-fuel power plants. There are three main components of the CCS process: capturing CO2 arising from the combustion of fossil fuels, transporting CO2 to the storage site, and storing CO2 for a long period of time, rather than being emitted to the atmosphere. Thus, research on the synthesis of novel porous organic polymers and their use, both as adsorbent and source in CO2 fixation reactions can contribute significantly towards a sustainable energy and environment.


INEWWhat suggestions do you have for the development of China's new energy industry? What kind of cooperation opportunities (including R&D, industry, talent, etc.) do you pay more attention to?


ShumailaThe new energy industry is knowledge intensive. The rapid development of new energy industry requires technological progress, and R&D personnel is the key factor to achieve technological progress. Therefore, local governments should formulate encouraging policies to increase the training and introduction of R&D talents, and at the same time, according to the needs of the development of the new energy industry, encourage local universities to reform their R&D talent training programs. For example, universities should expand the enrollment scale of majors in materials, environment, biotechnology and new energy vehicles to provide a large number of backup R&D talents.
